Sunday, June 26, 2011

Quran Series

Quran Violence

Many members of Islam will claim that their religion is a religion of peace . The problem is , the terrorists Muslims are all claiming that the Quran says to fight in the name o0f Allah. In the following suras (or verse) I will show you what I am talking about . Mind you as I have shown you previously that this book could not have been inspired by God .

Al-An fal 60 "Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power ,including steeds of war ,to strike terror into (the hearts ) of the enemies ,and others ,besides whom ye may not know .Whatever to shall speed in the cause of Allah shall not be treated unjustly ."
Al-Anfal 74 "Those who believe and emigrate and fight for the faith ,in the cause of Allah, as well as those who give them asylum and aid -these are all in very truth the believers :for them is the forgiveness of sins and a provision most generous ."
Al-Anfal 75 "And those who accept faith subsequently ,and emigrate ,and fight for the faith in your company -they are of you but kindred by blood have prior rights against each other in the books of Allah .Verily Allah is well aquainted with all things"
At-Tauba 5"When the forbidden months are past then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them ...but if they repent and pay Zakat then open the way for them . "
At-Tauba 12-14 and 29 all promote fighting as well.
An-Nisaa 74 "Let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the here and after .To him who fights in the cause of Allah whether he is slain or gets victory -son shall we give him a reward of great value "
An-Nisaa 75 "..and why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah of those being weak ,are ill-treated and oppressed.?"
An -Nisaa 76 "Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah , and those who reject faith in the cause of evil. So fight ye against the friends of Satan."
An-Nisaa 84" Fight in Allah's cause thout art held responsibility only for thyself -and rouse the unbelievers :for Allah is the strongest in might and in punishment ."
Al-Baqarah 190-191 "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you .........slay them wherever you catch them ."
AL-Baqarah 216"Fighting is prescribed to you and ye may not like it ,but it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you . "

I just wanted to give you all a taste of what the Muslim extremists follow . They read the verses given above and they take them to heart.So is it the muslim extremist misinterpreting it or is it the book itself that is in error ? A little bit of both? The fact is that people are dying every day for these suras and it is not right . WE are at war since 9/11 and this book is partial to blame for it . I am sorry if you all should disagree but that fact is people are dying because of a book not even inspired by God . Now some may say "wait a minute your catholic , your catechism says that Muslims are included in salvation ." Notice I am discrediting a book not the Muslims faith completely . Hope you all enjoyed thank you .

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