Wednesday, August 17, 2011


93.3 THE PLANET radio show host known as MATT MAN Heckles Michelle Bachmann .

I felt the need to blog this post because I happen to be a local listener of this radio station and its sister stations as well . I usually listen back and forth from radio station to radio station.I do happen lately to be listening more to THE RISE GUYS MORNING SHOW . I remember the days when both MATT MAN and SKIP would be strict republicans ,while PAIGE (spelling might be off) would be the liberal I just could not stand .Over the years MATT MAN it seems has left the Republican party to an extent . When Bush jr ran for the second term MATT MAN and SKIP got into a couple of heated discussions with PAIGE and he was all the way Republican . By 2009 not so much . I remember him on SCENE On 7 . KIMBERLY KELLY had him on and while this liberal female (not important enough to remember ) hammered about Palin and other republicans he sat back and said nothing . And when Kim asked him if he was a real republican (in so many words) He (with sun glasses on ,a tacky blazer and I think jeans with a possible dip in his mouth ) said that he was not really (in so many words) . It was a disappointment to me ,knowing how he and skip were at one time .(speaking of SKIP,He lost his job because of a DUI . I think there was more too it then that but we will leave it at that ) MATT MAN went to a MICHELLE BACHMANN rally the other day and had the nerve to make a comment in (yelling fashion) about her husband possibly being gay and marrying a man . He asked her if that was the reason why she is against gay marriage or gays in general . It appears as though MATT MAN has gone liberal over the years . I think one of his liberal co-hosts PAIGE has rubbed off on him . Speaking of PAIGE , she made a negative comment towards BACHMANN as well something to the affect of her intelligence level. PAIGE is an over the hill woman who couldn't make it anywhere else that is why she is a co-host on a radio show thats main listeners (or excuse me P1's ) get stoned ,drunk and play video games . (I happen to not do either of them .)The other guys on the show seem ok . But lets take a look: NINE AKA JIMMY , I have to give a little credit to considering he lost his father to an unfortunate situation . He still was able to pick it up and start from the ground level to being a radio show host with 250,000-500,000 listeners (not sure the number ) on a given day .He also after becoming a father,seems to have gained a little faith and taken a step towards Christianity and seems to be very easy going at times. (so I heard on one of the shows months back )He seems to have for the most part a good heart I will leave NINE alone. Even though he has made negative comments towards BACHMANN and other REPUBLICANS/CONSERVATIVES he didn't do what MATT MAN did .(congrats on being a new Father) FAT BOY seems fine he is I believe the producer of the show . He is a pretty funny guy . Other then saying some stupid off the cuff remarks,I have no problem with him for the most part . His assistant producer JLN or JEFF LUIS NEIL has the personality of brick . I heard that he failed to take care of an email situation while the guys were on vacation .I see he's gonna go far (sarcasm ) He probably shaves his back hair.I think I got them all covered . MATT MAN was out of line. He is obviously for Homosexual marriage .(the whole group probably is ) I find it hard to believe that they would have heckled a democrat . For some reason liberals like these do not like conservatives who are female and that makes me sick .PALIN got a hit and now BACHMANN seems to be getting a hit just as hard . I take it the candidate (if female) for the liberals has to look unattractive . IF PALIN and BACHMANN were ugly then it may be a different story.I take it woman's lib does not apply to conservative females .Lets get to the homosexual marriage issue for a second : I personally know a priest that counseled homosexuals.I have heard of some successful cases from him .Its a choice to be homosexual . Now it is common sense to know this . WE are all here not because two men had intercourse but a man and a woman had intercourse(with what I believe to be God's approval) . Now preventing homosexuals from marriage really is not discrimination because the homosexual makes the choice to be homosexual.You simply should not put them in the same category as a man of another race or a person with a disability (they were born that way).Alot of liberal Christians will vote homosexual marriage in if brought to a vote.I can't really blame Paige (Former California liberal)but she has been down here for a while now . I know that her vote in the South here obviously amounts to nothing considering the Conservatives win mostly .Even though the RISE GUYS make political statements from time to time , there main function is to entertain . I happen to enjoy Truth AND CONSEQUENCES and WAR OF THE ROSES . But for the listeners who from time to time follow politics , might want to tune into RUSS CASSLE(once again not sure the spelling) on WORD 106.3 , or TONY B on Christian talk 660 , because the Republican in MATT MAN has left the building and for the most part they are now part of the LUNNEY LEFT .

Feel free to comment and thanks for reading , FRANKIE MARCELL

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Open Challenge to 7thJewlproductions

Good evening to all invited to my blog:

For the past month I have been going back and forth with a Nation of Islam Muslim by the youtube name of 7thjewlproductions (or something like that). He is a young man such as myself . He has videos that are pro Nation of Islam . They believe that the white man is the devil . They believe Jesus was not crucified but killed by a Roman officer. They believe alot of what The real original muslims believe . I debated with them for while as well . Far more educated then the NAtion of islam Muslims I encounter and especially more educated then this one as well. I came to him with points against the Quran . I came to him with the bulk of what I have in my Quran series here on this blog. He responded with stereo type attacks on priests and nuns . He came back with "liar" He came back with misinterpretation of the bible . He all the while failed to defend his Quran ,which he should have been doing . He acts as if I never came with the actual arguments . In turn he is lying about our debates that are clearly on his video comment board . He wants me to leave but I won't at this point because people are dying everyday because of what that book says and I have made it a personal mission to discredit the Quran . Since he denies that I stated certain things I made a flat out challenge to him . I challenged him to a live debate on youtube . He is yet to accept the challenge . He responded with cop-out remarks . I let him comment on my channel so all can see what kind of an individual he is . I also made the challenge to him on my channel . I made the same challenge comment on his channel but he is yet to approve the comment . I am waiting for him to accept . He is yet to accept my challenge on this blog or accept a pm messaging debate . I will keep everyone in the loop on what this man tends to do . IF he backs down or accepts I shall let everyone know .

Saturday, August 6, 2011



LAst week I joined CARM discussions FORUM . IT is a Christian (So they say)
Forum. Its layout is kind of like mighty righty (conservative forum) . There is a bunch of forums about the Catholic church . They have a forum category for many faiths . There is a big group of forum posts involving the Catholic church . Some of them started by anti Catholics and others by Catholics . Well for the last week I would go on these posts and correct those who were posting negatively about the Catholic church from misinterpretation or misunderstanding . WEll after a week of doing that I guess they had enough of me . One of the posters stated that the RCC was a cult . SO I responded back with Matthew 12:36-37 that states that we will all have to render an account for every careless word we speak by our words we will be acquitted and by our words we will be condemned .And I stated that Christ would not like people talking badly about his church (Matt 16 and 18) I stated that if you talk badly about his church you talk badly about him . This is pretty much what I stated in a nutshell . No more then 10 minutes later, I got a message from the moderator giving me a warning . The reason stated was that I insulted a poster . So I responded back by stating that I was warned for insulting a poster who insulted my church by calling it a cult . And that it made no sense to warn me and not him . After all it was him that first called my church (RCC ) a cult . The responded back with a 3 day band . I cannot log back in until Monday . It seems that CARM is for the most part an anti Catholic forum with no interest in hearing or seeing the truth . They have made their minds up about the Catholic church and thats all there is to it . So I wont return on Monday to that Forum . I cannot bear to see such hatred for the church without being able to respond . On youtube and Catholic answers forum you can at least respond without getting banned for the most part(unless you are really vulgar or fowl mouthed ) . CAF lets protestants state their view and defend their faith , without warnings and bans . (I got one warning from them for a misunderstanding with a fellow Catholic but other then that they are very fair) SO CAtholics be aware of CARM they only light weight comments from Catholics hit the forum . I will be back soon to finish the Quran Forum . Other then that have a good one and enjoy the blog.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Quran Series

Covering Their Tracks

Muhammad was very clever in covering his tracks, for at least the ignorant . He knew that there would come a time when people would begin to question his book (Quran) Lest take a look at a few suras shall we?
Al-Baqarah 106
"None of our revelations do we abrogate or cause to be forgotten but we substitute something better or similar... "
This is trying to say GOd can contradict himself by saying one thing and changing view on it later. This covers his tracks not only for some of the bogus claims the Quran makes but also for the contradictions it has with the bible . It and the Bible seem to clash heads at times. The Quran denies certain things about Jesus and what Christian do in worshiping him .I will point these contradictions out in future blogs of course.
Al-i-Imran 78
"There is among them a section who distort the book with their tongues as they read so that you think it is part of the book .But it is no part of the Book .And they say "that is from Allah " but it is not from Allah . It is they who tell a lie against Allah ,and they know it!"
He would have said this about us today if he could . He covers his tracks often in the Quran . He stated the above verse to try and stop the truth from getting out about the book(Quran ) We must remember that Muhammad (when starting this religion ) took advantage of pagan Arabs . He was a respected leader among the people before writing the Quran . He was able to now manipulate the people by writing this book claiming Allah(God in Arabic) wrote it .Soon I will have another installment of the Quran series . GOd Bless ,and pray for a Muslim .

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Quran Series

Quran Violence

Many members of Islam will claim that their religion is a religion of peace . The problem is , the terrorists Muslims are all claiming that the Quran says to fight in the name o0f Allah. In the following suras (or verse) I will show you what I am talking about . Mind you as I have shown you previously that this book could not have been inspired by God .

Al-An fal 60 "Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power ,including steeds of war ,to strike terror into (the hearts ) of the enemies ,and others ,besides whom ye may not know .Whatever to shall speed in the cause of Allah shall not be treated unjustly ."
Al-Anfal 74 "Those who believe and emigrate and fight for the faith ,in the cause of Allah, as well as those who give them asylum and aid -these are all in very truth the believers :for them is the forgiveness of sins and a provision most generous ."
Al-Anfal 75 "And those who accept faith subsequently ,and emigrate ,and fight for the faith in your company -they are of you but kindred by blood have prior rights against each other in the books of Allah .Verily Allah is well aquainted with all things"
At-Tauba 5"When the forbidden months are past then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them ...but if they repent and pay Zakat then open the way for them . "
At-Tauba 12-14 and 29 all promote fighting as well.
An-Nisaa 74 "Let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the here and after .To him who fights in the cause of Allah whether he is slain or gets victory -son shall we give him a reward of great value "
An-Nisaa 75 "..and why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah of those being weak ,are ill-treated and oppressed.?"
An -Nisaa 76 "Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah , and those who reject faith in the cause of evil. So fight ye against the friends of Satan."
An-Nisaa 84" Fight in Allah's cause thout art held responsibility only for thyself -and rouse the unbelievers :for Allah is the strongest in might and in punishment ."
Al-Baqarah 190-191 "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you .........slay them wherever you catch them ."
AL-Baqarah 216"Fighting is prescribed to you and ye may not like it ,but it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you . "

I just wanted to give you all a taste of what the Muslim extremists follow . They read the verses given above and they take them to heart.So is it the muslim extremist misinterpreting it or is it the book itself that is in error ? A little bit of both? The fact is that people are dying every day for these suras and it is not right . WE are at war since 9/11 and this book is partial to blame for it . I am sorry if you all should disagree but that fact is people are dying because of a book not even inspired by God . Now some may say "wait a minute your catholic , your catechism says that Muslims are included in salvation ." Notice I am discrediting a book not the Muslims faith completely . Hope you all enjoyed thank you .

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Quran Series .

The Quran Lacks Original Material !

(some references from the series "Beginning Apologetics/ Answering Muslims )

I will be brief on this subject and go over of the examples as to how the Quran lacks original material today .
Sura 38 :21-25 - this sura is a mutilated account of Nathan confronting David with his sins of murder and adultery from 2Samuel 12 . I suggest you pick up both the Bible and the Quran and read both one after the other and you will see that the writers of the Quran (Muhammad and his followers ) took stories right out of the bible and put their own twists on them .

Sura 12:1-11 - Is a greatly embellished account of the story of Joseph the son of Jacob with its twist of course . In Sura 12:41 , it has Egyptians in the time of Joseph , (around 1500-1200BC) using crucifixion centuries before it was invented by the Persians ,who invented it around 520 BC.For anyone interested Gen chapter 37-50 is the story of Joseph son of Jacob . If it was not in the Bible there would for certain not be a version of it in the Quran . For those of you who dont know the Quran was not written until at least 625 AD .

Sura 5:110-113 -Is not taken from the Bible but the apocrypha . It is from the" Infancy gospel of Thomas ". It is the story of Jesus making a live bird out of clay . It too was written long before the Quran .

Sura 2: 249-252 - Here we have the mix up of Saul and Gideon from Judges 7.

Sura 3:34-47 - This an embellished account of Luke Chapter 1. Mary(Maryam in Quran) ,the mother of jesus , is clearly misidentified as Miriam ,the daughter of imran, the siter of Aaron and Moses .Sura 66:12 repeats this misidentifying in Sura 19:28 it calls Mary the mother of Jesus "Sister of Aaron" directly.

This information above is enough to run from the Quran and never turn back . But many of them are blinded . The truth is the Bible was put together in the late 300s by a series of councils by the Catholic church . One of those councils being the council of Hippo in 393 AD where they determined what books would go into the Bible canon . Notice this is over 200 years before the Quran was even written .

Hope you enjoyed . Stay tuned for another addition of the Quran Series soon .

Friday, March 4, 2011

Atheist Blog

Miracle Case Load :Shroud of Turin
(notes taken from Doxa )

For years it was just known as the cloth that covered Christ . In 1898 a picture showed its negative image to have a portrait of the body and of the face of Christ . It was clear that the cloth was in contact with the body for at least 3 hours -no later then two days . No evidence of initial decomposition ,no issue of fluids from the orfices ,and no decline of rigor mortis ,leading to flattening of the back and blurred or double imprints . Stains of a slightly darker carmine or rust color with the appearance of blood ,are seen in areas consistent with the Biblical account of the scourging of Jesus and crucifixion . Image lacks the sharp out line and vivid color of a painting and is described as "melting away" as the viewers approach the cloth.The evidence of death in a position of suspension of the arms coupled with the Charectaristic wounds and blood flows indicate that the individual was crucified .The feet indicate something of their positioning, on the cross,the left being placed on the instep of the right with a single nail impaling both . The wounds ,blood flows and stains appear to forensic pathologists flawless . So convincing was the realism of these wounds and their association with the biblical accounts that Delage,an agnostic declared them "a bundle imposing probabilities and concluded that the Shroud figure was indeed Christ . Vignon ,his assistent (1937) declared the Shrouds identification to be "as a photograph or set of finger prints ".
Direct examination began by Scientists 1969-1973 . An all -member commission was to give advise on the relic and on specific testing , which might be undertaken . 5 of the members were scientists and studies of samples of the cloth were conducted by them in 1973 .A much more detailed exam was given in 1978-1981 as Shroud of Turin research project .Samples of the pollen collected by Shroud by commission member frei(1978) yielded identification of 49 species of halophyte and desert plants were from the dead sea area. It was concluded that the Shroud must have been exposed to the middle east area.

While carbon 14 dating was done pointing towards mid-evil times as the date of the Shroud.No litmus test was given and they took the same test 3 times so as atheists claim its error free this proves its not the case . The piece they took was different from the rest and they took it from the top and it was a rewoven piece of material . Dr. Shumaker claimed no pigment dies found ,could not have been painted or drawn.This came from ultra bonit light ,ultra violate flowers photography . Cloths had been described by Raes(1976) as a 3-1 herring bone twill . A common weave in antiquity but generally used in silks of the first centuries AD. rather then linen. The thread was hand spun and hand loomed:after 1200 AD most European thread was spun on the wheel .Minute traces of cotton fibers were discovered ,an indication that the Shroud was woven on a loom also used for woven cotton .
On another note there traces in history leading us to believe that it is quite probable that the knights of Templar allegedly hid the Shroud for 100 years

So in conclusion , there is quite the bit of evidence pointing to this Shroud being the real deal .

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Atheist Blog

Miracle case load :Our Lady of Guadalupe image .
(notes from
Dr. Aldofo Orozco at the international Marian conference stated that there is no scientific explanation for "Our Lady of Guadalupe " image . All the cloths similar to the Tilma have been placed in the salty and humid enviroment around the Basilica have lasted no more then ten years.
One painting of the image created in 1789 was on display in a church near the basilica where the Tilma was placed .The image was painted from the best techniques of its time, and put in a glass case .However , 8 years later the images replica was thrown away because the colors were fading and threads were breaking . The image was exposed for 116 years without any protection .The back side of the Tilma cloth is hard while the front is soft.As noted by painters and scientists of 1666 and confirmed in 1751 by Mexican painter Miguel Cabera .1785 a worker accidently spilled a 50% nitric Acid solvent on the right side of cloth .It did not destroy the fabric of cloth not even the image .1921 an explosion broke marble floor and windows 150 meters from explosion ,but neither the Tilma nor the glass case was broken. Scientists discovered that the eyes on the image contained human shapes reflected on the Cornea of each eye.Dr. Rafael Torrija Lavoignet and Dr. Javier Torroella.In 1979 Dr. Jose Aste Tonsmann made more discoveries . There is also evidence of no uinder sketch . Any painter who took himself seriously and takes himself seriously does an under sketch .
In 1789 a Skeptical priest had 11 artists paint 11 replicas of the image .In 7 years the 11 were faded. Some atheist will shout out the name of a painter named Marco who painted the image . As you can see they have no basis for it . The painting on the Tilma does not last long while the image on the Tilma has been lasting for nearly 500 years .Atheists have no explanation for this .I challenge you all to argue these points .

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Atheist Blog

Miracles Case load :
Subject :Eucharistic of Lanciano
(Notes from DOXA 21 century miracles)

An 8th century Basilian monk at St. Legontian was in the middle of the double consecration of the Eucharist .When he was involved in this experience he doubted the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist . The Eucharist turned into blood and flesh .

Investigations were conducted since 1574.In 1970 -71 and taken up against partly in 1981 there took place a scientific investigation by professor and scientist Odoardo Linoli professor in Anatomy and Pathological histology and in Chemistry and clinical microscopy . Assisted by professor Ruggero Bertelli of the university of Sienna . They documented the case with a series of microscopic photographs." The preservation of the flesh and of the blood ,which were left in their natural state for 12 centuries and exposed to the action of atmospheric and biological agents ,remains an extraordinary phenomenon ."(said Linoli)
Scientific findings
1. Flesh is real flesh .Blood is real blood .
2. Flesh and blood belong to human species .
3. Flesh consists of the muscular tissue of the heart .
4.In the flesh we see present in section ,the myocardium ,the endocardium ,the vague nerve and also the left ventricle of the heart for the large thickness of the myocardium .
5. The Flesh is "heart" complete in its essential structure .
6. The flesh and blood have the same blood type :AB (blood type identical to that of the Shroud of Turin uncovered by professor Ballone .)
7. In the Blood were found proteins in the same normal proportions (percentage wise) as are found in the sero-proteic make-up of the fresh normal blood .
8. In the blood there were also minerals found chlorides,phosphorus,magnesium,potassium sodium and calcium .
9. the preservation of the flesh and of the blood which were left in their natural state for 12 centuries and exposed to the action of atmospheric and biological agents, remains an extraordinary phenomenon

Now this is one of several Eucharistic miracles approved by the church . Now, as you may have read in The Lourdes miracle cases /Atheist blog , The church has strict qualifications for cases to be considered miracles. Not only was there evidence in the above scientific findings of this being a miracle but also ,you can actually visit this Eucharist and see for yourself .I have two more miracle cases to go over in my blogs ."The Shroud of Turin" and "Our Lady of Quadulupe" . image . I may have one more atheist blog after those . I hope to start my Islam blog starting next week . It will be about the Koran and the reasons why it could not have been written by God. I hope all of the atheist viewing this will their comments so I can answer them . My goal by showing these blogs on miracles is to make them think a little further then how to take God out of everything .

Atheist Blog

Miracles case load
subject : Lourdes
(Information from DOXA Christian thought for the 21 century web site)

There have been 66 official proclamations of miracles at Lourdes ,France. Their of course have been many more claims however the requirements did not make it for the documentation was too hard to get . There have been 6500 individuals reporting cures to the medical Bureau .Of that at least 2500 cases are considered truly remarkable . They however lack some needed requirements to advance to the next stage . (witnesses, lack of agreement on the nature of the ailment )
In the last 24 years there have been about 20 cases reported .Jean-Pierre Bely was the 66th case approved . It was officially recognized by ecclesiastical authorities .
The Process of verification has 3 stages .
1. The cured person must be examined at the Lourdes Medical Bureau .Established in 1883 the Medical Bureau receives testimony of the cured person ,of the doctor and of those who accompanied the person to Lourdes . After the preliminary examination the person is asked to return to Lourdes a year later for another examination . Many cases remain at the first level because of the difficulty of gathering the previous medical reports.A frequently this occurs with people who come from underdeveloped areas .
2. Cases passed to international Bureau
Established in 1946 ,this bureau consists of medical doctors ,psychiatrists and experts in specific diseases . The infirmity must have been serious and considered impossible to cure .No medication or treatment must have been given ,which could possibly have caused the change .The cure must be sudden and complete with no relapse . In a word a cure must be unexpalinable .No human or natural factor could have affected the cure. (The doctors of Lourdes describe it using the words "unexplainable cures " and not "miracles")The case is then referred to the Bishop of the diocese in which the individual resides .
3.Investigation by Diocesan Canonical Committee
Final words belong to the Bishop of the Diocese .

Jean-Pierre Bely's case (# 66 )
In 1984 Jean Pierre Bely was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis ,and by 1987 he was completely paralyzed .He was brought to Lourdes on a stretcher in 1987 as a participant in the October Rosary pilgrimage .On the final morning of the pilgrimage ,Mr. Bely was anointed with the sacrament of the sick . He felt a "sensation of coldness" as followed by "a gentle warmth " that seemed to fill his body ."Later I took my first steps just like a baby who is learning to walk"

Many atheists claim that we don't raise the bar high enough when it comes to miracles . As you can see with 66 miracles approved at Lourdes compared to the 6500 claims that is not the case at Lourdes . Stay tuned for the Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano in my next as we continue with my atheist blog .

Atheist Blog

( Notes taken from " How To Answer Atheist and New Agers " Father Frank Chacon and Jim Burnham)
John Paul II noted that some of these theories of Evolution can be compatible with Christianity. He however confirmed one theory that is clearly incompatible with Christianity. The idea that the human race evolved from dead matter is through purely random processes .Evolutionism is an attempt by atheists to use the biological sciences to disprove the existence of God . Atheistic evolution claims there is no need for an intelligent designer to explain human life .

Recent advances in molecular biology are contradicting the claims of atheistic evolutionists.Molecular biologists have shown that there are no simple living organisms ,no matter how small they may be . A living organism must be able to take in nutrition and chemically convert it to energy if it is to grow and multiply ,and form part of any evolutionary chain . For any living organism ,no matter how primitive to convert nutrition to energy requires biological systems that are unbelievably complicated . They are so complex that even with all of the incredible technology at our disposal , we are not even close to creating any living organism from nonliving matter. Yet atheistic evolutionists continue to insist that the first living organism was the result of chaotic processes in dead matter.
Limitations of Evolution
As a scientific theory ,evolution by natural selection has been very successful in explaining the generic similarities between all all living things . It can also account for the diversity both within species and between species . It does not explain origin of life. It tells us nothing about how life started in the first place . It cannot explain human consciousness ,our ability to perceive and understand the world around us. It cannot explain morality .Its limited to biological changes .It leaves origin of life ,consciousness ,and morality untouched .
Nothing in Evolution is incompatible with belief in God. Evolution could have been the mode by which God executed his design .He could have created directly or indirectly ,instant or slow .

Scientist and their quotes on God and Evolutionism .(not atheists)
FRANCIS CRICK discovered DNA structure .He was an evolutionist . He came to recognize the impossibility of dead matter forming a living organism through random processes.He grew to speculate that UFO's planted the first living organisms on earth.
SIR ISSAC NEWTON "This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets ,could only proceed from the counsel,and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being"(Sir Issac Newtons ,The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy ,Book III)
ALBERT EINSTEIN "Science without religion is lame,religion without science is blind ""I'm not an atheist .I don't think I can call myself a Pantheist .The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds"(Quotes from Nancy k.Franken berry's "The Faith of scientists :in their own words)Many Atheists like to quote scientists including Einstein from time to time . Here is what he would have told them today if they tried top quote him to get there points acrossed :
"There are yet people who say there is no god ,but what really makes me angry is that they quote me for the support of such views ". (Einstein letter to Prince Hubertus of Lowenstein)
ANTHONY FLEW was the most famous atheist in the world .Recently changed his mind .By obeying the Socratic command to "Follow the argument wherever it leads, " Flew examined the significance of recent scientific discoveries including the lawfulness of nature ,origin of life,and the Big Bang -and concluded that a Creator God must exist .
List of scientist in the past an present who and are not atheist (Too many to list all)
Francis Collins ,Freeman Dyson, Paul Davies , John Polkinghorne , Max Plank ,Werner Heisenberg ,and Erwin Schrodinger .
Now, If you read my blog on the founding father quotes you shouldn't be a surprised to see that the scientists and their quotes listed above were not atheists . You see, Atheists love to pass their opinions off as fact when in fact its just their wishful thinking that they are stating.So is the claim that all Scientists are atheists true? Nope .Wrong again atheists !

Atheist Blog

The Roman/Pagan Historians

Many people dont know that there were actual historians who recorded Christs existence on earth.Keep in mind that they had no reason to do this . They were pagans who did not care much for Christianity . They were professional historians who believed that anything worth doing is worth doing right . Now I will go over some of these historians in this blog .Many atheist will try and tell you that these men never even saw Jesus, however mind you these were professional historians who would rely on documents. Now Jesus would have had an arrest record and a registration record from the censuses carried out by the Romans .

PLINY THE YOUNGER(63AD-113AD) admits to torturing and executing Christians who refuse to deny Christ .
"I asked Them directly if they were Christians those who persisted ,I ordered away ....Those who denied they were or ever had been Christians worshipped both your image and images of the gods and cursed Christ . They used to gather before dawn and sing to Christ as if he were a god .........." (Pliny's letter to Emperor )

CORNELIUS TACTUS (55AD-120AD)1st and 2nd century Roman historian . Verifies the Bible account of Pontius Pilate "Christus ,the founder of the Christian name was put to death by Pontius Pilate ,procuretor of Judea in the reign of Tiberius ,but the pernicious superstition,repressed for a time ,broke out again .Not only through Judea ,where the mischief originated but through the city of Rome."(Annal XV55)

GAIUS SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS (69-130AD) A Roman Historian. Recorded the lives of Roman Ceasars .SErved as a court official under Hadrian and as an annalist for the Imperial House .Recorded the expulsion of the Christian from Rome . Mentioned in Acts 18:2 and confirms the Christian faith being found .

"As the Jews were making constant disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus ,Claudius expelled them from Rome."(Life of Claudius 25.4 )(some say that since the name was spelled wrong that it may not have been Christ however it is highly unlikely that he is speaking of someone else . The event was recorded in the bible by Luke who was very specific in his writings in both the Gospel and Acts of the Apostles )

Thallus (52AD) On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness .The rocks were rect by an earthquake and many places in Judea and other districts were thrown down.This darkness Thallus in the third book of his history ,calls as appears without reason an eclipse of the sun.For the Hebrew celebrate the passover passion of our savior falls on that day before the passover,but an eclipse of the sun takes place only when the moon comes under the sun.And it cannot happen at any other time. Phlegon records that in the time of Tiberius Caesar ,at full moon ,there was a full eclipse of the sun from the sixth hour to the ninth manifestly that are of which have speak,(Chronography XVIII,47 )

MAR BAR SERAPION (70AD)"What advantages did the atheniens gain from putting Socrates to death ? Famine and Plagues came upon them as judgment of their Lord was covered with sand .What Advantages did the Jews gain from executing their wise king?It was just after that their kingdom was abolished .......Nor did the wise king die for good .He lived on in the teachings which he had given .(Letter to his son from prison)

These men above had nothing to gain for their writings about Jesus and Christianity . Yet they were credible historians .They were not Christians . Atheists believe that Alexander The Great existed . His two earliest biographies written by Arrian and Plutarch were more then 400 years after his death in 323BC .Yet historians consider them to be trustworthy .These historians were writing about Jesus and Christianity within 20 years to a century of his life on earth . Many of the most liberal critics of the gospel writings date them the following :Mark in in 70AD Matthew and Luke in 80s and John in the 90s . Atheists yet choose to believe the life of Alexander when the earliest biographies on him came out 400 years after him .The Gospel accounts of Jesus were written within 37-60 years of his life on earth . ( information from Lee Strobels The Case for Christ)That should be something for them to think about .

Friday, February 18, 2011

Atheist Blog

Wrong again Athiests !

Many atheist will stand there and tell you that this country was not founded on Christian morals .They will even go as far to say that they were barely believers of God . Well I will mention a several founding fathers that would tell them a thing or two.

CHARLES CARROL was a signer of the Declaration of independence .He wrote in his 11/4/1800 letter to James McHenry :" "Without morals a republic cannot sussist at any length of time.They therefore who are decrying the Christian religion ,who's morality is so sublime and pure..are undermining the solid foundation of morals "

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN was a very important man in this countries history . Lets take a gander at some of his quotes :" God governs in the affair of man .And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice ,is it probable the empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured in the sacred writings that except the Lord build the house ,they later in vain that build it.I firmly believe this .I also believe that without his concurring aid,we shall succeed in this political building no better then the builders of Babel"(Constitutional convention of 1787)
"In Bens 1749 plan of education for public schools in Pennsylvania ,he insisted that schools teach "The excellency of the Christian religion above all others ancient or modern "
In 1787 when Ben helped found Ben Franklin University it was dedicated as "A nursery of religion and learning ,built on Christ ,The Cornerstone . "

THOMAS JEFFERSON may have rejected certain teachings of Christianity such as the miracles of Jesus however he never claimed to be an atheist .However he did claim to be a Christian:"I am a real Christian that is to say a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus " (Letter to Benjamin Rush 4/23/1803) He wrote his own bible . However as i stated before rejected some of the teachings of Christianity . Still he quotes himself being a Christian and not an atheist .This country was never founded on atheism .

GEORGE WASHINGTON added the words "So help me God " to the oath of office . Lets check out his words : " It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible ."
"What students would learn in American schools above all is the religion of Jesus Christ "(quotes from a speech he gave to the Delaware Indians 5/12/1779)

JOHN ADAMS and JOHN HANDCOCK "We recognize no sovereign but God,and no king but Jesus"(4-18-1775)

JOHN ADAMS "The general principles upon which the fathers
achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity..... " (Written to Abagail on the day the Declaration was approved by congress)

SAMUEL ADAMS "He who made all men hath made the truths necessary to human happiness obvious to all our forefathers opened the Bible to all ". (American Independence ,8/1/1776 speech delivered at the state house in Philadelphia )

JOHN QUINCY ADAMS "The law given from Sinai (10 commandments) was a civil and municipal as well as a moral and religious code" (Letters to his son page 61)

So atheists are wrong on this matter and next time an atheist tells you that this country was not founded on Christian morals ,feel free to use the quotes here .

To all atheists reading this i would just like to say "Your wrong again atheists "

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Stay Tuned !

Hello all , I am sorry I have not been around lately to provide more blogs . I am working on a novel and my life gets a bit busy . I have been doing alot of research on certain subjects . I have even studied church miracles . I will have a blog on each miracle. The Bleeding host of Lanciano ,Our Lady of Quadulupe , Shroud of Turin , and Lourdes , will be the miracles I go over with you . I have also a blog on the Koran . It will contain contradictions , false claims as well as stories the Koran seems to steal right out of the bible . Only difference is ,the writers of it gave the stories a twist . I will also point out the suras that the terrorists take to heart . I will break it all down blog by blog subject by subject for you . In the past I have made these long blogs and its overwhelming for you to read at times . I also have an atheist blog I started up a while back . I will make that better . I have Church father quotes verifying that this country was founded on Christian morals .I have quotes from famous scientist who believe in an an intelligent designer . I have quotes from pagan historians from the 1st and 2nd centuries that confirm Christs existence on earth . I have good arguments to make with an atheist of logic and reasoning . It will take me a little while to get it all up . Just please try and be patient with me you wont regret it .

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Im Back /political Post

Im back . Its been a while since my last post . I have been quite busy with my Knights of Columbus council and work . Alot has happened since my last post. President Obama is on the ropes . Many will argue with me pretending to be blind . The November election changed the tide . The Republicans now have the House .They almost took the Senate .They will get that in 2012 for sure . I believe that in certain cases the Tea party may indeed have hurt the Republican party by backing certain candidates . Lets not mention any names . They were certainly one of the reasons why the Party also took the House as well . I wonder why the tide has changed in the last two years so much .Let me see hmmm........ did someone say "Health care Bill? " yeah thats right .He had to push this bill . He couldn't let it go . In result, Many Democrats lost their jobs . And will lose their jobs in 2012 as well . They did not listen to the voters when they had their public meetings . Good old Nancy and Dingy Harry were lucky to keep their jobs . They are however not grateful but arrogant . They believe that because they got re-elected that they were right .The truth is that Nancy is the rep for San Fransisco .Did someone say Liberal Ville?And Harry did not have a strong enough candidate opposing him. Thats all I have for now . I will be sure to stop by throughout the week . God Bless all of you and I hope that you enjoyed this post .